Ciência habilitada por dados de espécimes
OLARIAGA, I., R. MÁRQUEZ-SANZ, S. P. GORJÓN, J. C. ZAMORA, and I. SALCEDO. 2024. Hymenochaete ametzii sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota), an endangered bark-dwelling species inhabiting old Quercus pyrenaica trees from the Iberian Peninsula. Phytotaxa 669: 194–210.
Bark-dwelling fungi represent a group of ecologically highly specialized organisms. This study deals with an undescribed species of Hymenochaete characterized by specifically inhabiting the bark of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica), and producing effuse-reflexed basidiomata and mainly globose to subglobose basidiospores. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of the nuclear ITS-LSU regions revealed that the sequences of H. ametzii form a monophyletic group with a low intraspecific variation and substantially different from closest taxa, further supporting its recognition as a species. The seven localities H. ametzii is known from are old forests with a long ecological continuity, containing large old Q. pyrenaica trees, and are located in the supramediterranean belt of the Mediterranean biogeographical region. Based on habitat availability and field counts of colonized trees, the global population of H. ametzii is estimated at 8,670 mature individuals. Considering that the traditional use of old Q. pyrenaica stands ceased several decades ago in the Iberian Peninsula, with a consequent decline in habitat quality and availability, it is concluded that H. ametzii is Endangered (EN) according to the IUCN criteria. Bark-dwelling fungi represent a group of ecologically highly specialized organisms. This study deals with an undescribed species of Hymenochaete characterized by specifically inhabiting the bark of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica), and producing effuse-reflexed basidiomata and mainly globose to subglobose basidiospores. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of the nuclear ITS-LSU regions revealed that the sequences of H. ametzii form a monophyletic group with a low intraspecific variation and substantially different from closest taxa, further supporting its recognition as a species. The seven localities H. ametzii is known from are old forests with a long ecological continuity, containing large old Q. pyrenaica trees, and are located in the supramediterranean belt of the Mediterranean biogeographical region. Based on habitat availability and field counts of colonized trees, the global population of H. ametzii is estimated at 8,670 mature individuals. Considering that the traditional use of old Q. pyrenaica stands ceased several decades ago in the Iberian Peninsula, with a consequent decline in habitat quality and availability, it is concluded that H. ametzii is Endangered (EN) according to the IUCN criteria.
Beca-Carretero, P., S. Varela, T. Rossiter, R. Wilkes, M. Julia-Miralles, and D. B. Stengel. 2024. An integrated mapping approach highlights extended distribution and high environmental status of Irish seagrass meadows. Marine Pollution Bulletin 209: 117082.
To address the remaining knowledge gap regarding the distribution of seagrasses in Ireland, this study aimed a) to create an updated seagrass (Zostera spp.) distribution map, and b) to evaluate the environmental quality to which seagrass meadows are exposed. To achieve the first objective, we (i) combined the available data on seagrass distribution published to date, and (ii) mapped additional meadows by implementing an integrated method based on species distribution models, satellite-derived images, and snorkelling-based surveys. We mapped 209 new seagrass meadows (14.98 km2), representing a 37.03 % increase over previously reported extents. Consequently, the total extent of Irish seagrass meadows is estimated to be at least 54.85 km2. To address the second objective, we assessed the level of anthropogenic pressure of seagrass meadows based on the index provided by the Water Framework Directive of the European Environment Agency. This study demonstrates that Irish meadows are primarily located in areas with ‘HIGH’ and ‘GOOD’ water status.
Xu, L., Z. Song, T. Li, Z. Jin, B. Zhang, S. Du, S. Liao, et al. 2024. New insights into the phylogeny and infrageneric taxonomy of Saussurea based on hybrid capture phylogenomics (Hyb-Seq). Plant Diversity.
Saussurea is one of the largest and most rapidly evolving genera within the Asteraceae, comprising approximately 520 species from the Northern Hemisphere. A comprehensive infrageneric classification, supported by robust phylogenetic trees and corroborated by morphological and other data, has not yet been published. For the first time, we recovered a well-resolved nuclear phylogeny of Saussurea consisting of four main clades, which was also supported by morphological data. Our analyses show that ancient hybridization is the most likely source of deep cytoplasmic-nuclear conflict in Saussurea, and a phylogeny based on nuclear data is more suitable than one based on chloroplast data for exploring the infrageneric classification of Saussurea. Based on the nuclear phylogeny obtained and morphological characters, we proposed a revised infrageneric taxonomy of Saussurea, which includes four subgenera and 13 sections. Specifically, 1) S. sect. Cincta, S. sect. Gymnocline, S. sect. Lagurostemon, and S. sect. Strictae were moved from S. subg. Saussurea to S. subg. Amphilaena, 2) S. sect. Pseudoeriocoryne was moved from S. subg. Eriocoryne to S. subg. Amphilaena, and 3) S. sect. Laguranthera was moved from S. subg. Saussurea to S. subg. Theodorea.
Howard, C. C., P. Kamau, H. Väre, L. Hannula, A. Juslén, J. Rikkinen, and E. B. Sessa. 2024. Historical Biogeography of Sub‐Saharan African Spleenworts. Journal of Biogeography.
ABSTRACTAimFerns are globally distributed, yet the number of studies examining the historical evolution of African taxa is relatively low. Investigation of the evolution of African fern diversity is critical in order to understand patterns and processes that have global relevance (e.g., the pantropical diversity disparity [PDD] pattern). This study aims to examine when and from where a globally distributed fern lineage arrived in sub‐Saharan Africa, to obtain a better understanding of potential processes contributing to patterns of diversity across the region.LocationGlobal, sub‐Saharan Africa.TaxonAsplenium (Aspleniaceae).MethodsWe analysed five loci from 537 Asplenium taxa using a maximum likelihood (IQ‐Tree) phylogenetic framework. For age estimation, we performed penalised likelihood as implemented in treePL, and executed a Bayesian analysis using BEAST. Biogeographical analyses were carried out using BioGeoBEARS.ResultsMost dispersals into Africa occurred within the last ~55 myr, with the highest diversity of sub‐Saharan African taxa concentrated in two clades, each of which descended from an Asian ancestor. Additional dispersals to sub‐Saharan Africa can be found throughout the phylogeny. Lastly, potential cryptic species diversity exists within Asplenium as evidenced by several polyphyletic taxa.Main ConclusionsWe recover multiple dispersals of Asplenium to sub‐Saharan Africa, with two major lineages likely diversifying after arrival.
Lin, P.-C., T.-Y. Chiang, M.-L. Chen, T.-W. Hsu, P.-W. Gean, S.-T. Cheng, and Y.-H. Hsu. 2024. Global prospects for cultivating Centella asiatica: An ecological niche modeling approach under current and future climatic scenarios. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 18: 101380.
Centella asiatica is a medicinal plant recognized for its various benefits contributed by its metabolites and has been used as a food supplement since prehistorical times across various cultures. Due to the reliance on natural populations of C. asiatica and the impacts of environmental factors on its yield and centelloside production, there is a need to identify suitable cultivation areas for this species. We employed ecological niche modelling with bioclimatic and soil variables to evaluate the suitability of cultivation under current and future climatic scenarios. Our results identified suitable areas for cultivating C. asiatica worldwide, indicating its potential for global commercial cultivation. However, the niche reconstruction of highly concentrated centelloside was restricted to South and Southeast Asia due to the lack of available data. When we projected the modelled niche of centelloside in these regions, we observed a lower occurrence probability in some areas, suggesting potential challenges in cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, our results suggest a consistent future distribution for this species when we projected the modelled niche under future climates based on various socio-economic scenarios. This study not only identifies suitable areas to develop commercial cultivation for C. asiatica with highly concentrated centelloside, but also provides supporting evidence of the consistency of these areas, which can increase its sustainability.
H. S. Min, H. Shinwoo, and K. K. Soo. 2024. Ensemble Projection of Climate Suitability for Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) in Hamkyongbukdo. Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science 44: 71–82.
It would be advantageous to grow legume forage crops in order to increase the productivity and sustainability of sloped croplands in Hamkyongbukdo. In particular, the identification of potential cultivation areas for alfalfa in the given region could aid decision-making on policies and management related to forage crop production in the future. This study aimed to analyze the climate suitability of alfalfa in Hamkyongbukdo under current and future climate conditions using the Fuzzy Union model. The climate suitability predicted by the Fuzzy Union model was compared with the actual alfalfa cultivation area in the northern United States. Climate data obtained from 11 global climate models were used as input data for calculation of climate suitability in the study region to examine the uncertainty of projections under future climate conditions. The area where the climate suitability index was greater than a threshold value (22.6) explained about 44% of the variation in actual alfalfa cultivation areas by state in the northern United States. The climatic suitability of alfalfa was projected to decrease in most areas of Hamkyongbukdo under future climate scenarios. The climatic suitability in Onseong and Gyeongwon County was analyzed to be over 88 in the current climate conditions. However, it was projected to decrease by about 66% in the given areas by the 2090s. Our study illustrated that the impact of climate change on suitable cultivation areas was highly variable when different climate data were used as inputs to the Fuzzy Union model. Still, the ensemble of the climate suitability projections for alfalfa was projected to decrease considerably due to summer depression in Hamkyongbukdo. It would be advantageous to predict suitable cultivation areas by adding soil conditions or to predict the climate suitability of other leguminous crops such as hairy vetch, which merits further studies.
Wei, Z., D. Jiao, C. A. Wehenkel, X. Wei, and X. Wang. 2024. Phylotranscriptomic and ecological analyses reveal the evolution and morphological adaptation of Abies. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.
Coniferous forests are under severe threat of the rapid anthropogenic climate warming. Abies (firs), the fourth‐largest conifer genus, is a keystone component of the boreal and temperate dark‐coniferous forests and harbors a remarkably large number of relict taxa. However, the uncertainty of the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of Abies significantly impedes our prediction of future dynamics and efficient conservation of firs. In this study, using 1,533 nuclear genes generated from transcriptome sequencing and a complete sampling of all widely recognized species, we have successfully reconstructed a robust phylogeny of global firs, in which four clades are strongly supported and all intersectional relationships are resolved, although phylogenetic discordance caused mainly by incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization was detected. Molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction suggest a Northern Hemisphere high‐latitude origin of Abies during the Late Cretaceous, but all extant firs diversified during the Miocene to the Pleistocene, and multiple continental and intercontinental dispersals took place in response to the late Neogene climate cooling and orogenic movements. Notably, four critically endangered firs endemic to subtropical mountains of China, including A. beshanzuensis, A. ziyuanensis, A. fanjingshanensis and A. yuanbaoshanensis from east to west, have different origins and evolutionary histories. Moreover, three hotspots of species richness, including western North America, central Japan, and the Hengduan Mountains, were identified in Abies. Elevation and precipitation, particularly precipitation of the coldest quarter, are the most significant environmental factors driving the global distribution pattern of fir species diversity. Some morphological traits are evolutionarily constrained, and those linked to elevational variation (e.g., purple cone) and cold resistance (e.g., pubescent branch and resinous bud) may have contributed to the diversification of global firs. Our study sheds new light on the spatiotemporal evolution of global firs, which will be of great help to forest management and species conservation in a warming world.
Gan, Z., X. Fang, C. Yin, Y. Tian, L. Zhang, X. Zhong, G. Jiang, and A. Tao. 2024. Extraction, purification, structural characterization, and bioactivities of the genus Rhodiola L. polysaccharides: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 276: 133614.
The genus Rhodiola L., an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine and Tibetan medicine in China, exhibits a broad spectrum of applications. This genus contains key compounds such as ginsenosides, polysaccharides, and flavonoids, which possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycaemic, immune-enhancing, and anti-hypoxic properties. As a vital raw material, Rhodiola L. contributes to twenty-four kinds of Chinese patent medicines and 481 health food products in China, finding extensive application in the health food sector. Recently, polysaccharides have emerged as a focal point in natural product research, with applications spanning the medicine, food, and materials sectors. Despite this, a comprehensive and systematic review of polysaccharides from the genus Rhodiola L. polysaccharides (TGRPs) is warranted. This study undertakes a systematic review of both domestic and international literature, assessing the research advancements and chemical functional values of polysaccharides derived from Rhodiola rosea. It involves the isolation, purification, and identification of a variety of homogeneous polysaccharides, followed by a detailed analysis of their chemical structures, pharmacological activities, and molecular mechanisms, structure-activity relationship (SAR) of TGRPs. The discussion includes the influence of molecular weight, monosaccharide composition, and glycosidic bonds on their biological activities, such as sulfation and carboxymethylation et al. Such analyses are crucial for deepening the understanding of Rhodiola rosea and for fostering the development and exploitation of TGRPs, offering a reference point for further investigations into TGRPs and their resource utilization.
Goicolea, T., A. Adde, O. Broennimann, J. I. García‐Viñas, A. Gastón, M. José Aroca‐Fernández, A. Guisan, and R. G. Mateo. 2024. Spatially‐nested hierarchical species distribution models to overcome niche truncation in national‐scale studies. Ecography.
Spatial truncation in species distribution models (SDMs) might cause niche truncation and model transferability issues, particularly when extrapolating models to non‐analog environmental conditions. While broad calibration extents reduce truncation issues, they usually overlook local ecological factors driving species distributions at finer resolution. Spatially‐nested hierarchical SDMs (HSDMs) address truncation by merging (a) a global model calibrated with broadly extended, yet typically low‐resolution, basic, and imprecise data; and (b) a regional model calibrated with spatially restricted but more precise and reliable data. This study aimed to examine HSDMs' efficacy to overcome spatial truncation in national‐scale studies. We compared two hierarchical strategies (‘covariate', which uses the global model output as a covariate for the regional model, and ‘multiply', which calculates the geometric mean of the global and regional models) and a non‐hierarchical strategy. The three strategies were compared in terms of niche truncation, environmental extrapolation, model performance, species' predicted distributions and shifts, and trends in species richness. We examined the consistency of the results over two study areas (Spain and Switzerland), 108 tree species, and four future climate scenarios. Only the non‐hierarchical strategy was susceptible to niche truncation, and environmental extrapolation issues. Hierarchical strategies, particularly the ‘covariate' one, presented greater model accuracy than non‐hierarchical strategies. The non‐hierarchical strategy predicted the highest overall values and the lowest decreases over time in species distribution ranges and richness. Differences between strategies were more evident in Switzerland, which was more affected by niche truncation issues. Spain was more negatively affected by climate change and environmental extrapolation. The ‘covariate' strategy exhibited higher model performance than the ‘multiply' one. However, uncertainties regarding model temporal transferability advocate for adopting and further examining multiple hierarchical approaches. This research underscores the importance of adopting spatially‐nested hierarchical SDMs given the compromised reliability of non‐hierarchical approaches due to niche truncation and extrapolation issues.
Bürger, M., and J. Chory. 2024. A potential role of heat‐moisture couplings in the range expansion of Striga asiatica. Ecology and Evolution 14.
Parasitic weeds in the genera Orobanche, Phelipanche (broomrapes) and Striga (witchweeds) have a devastating impact on food security across much of Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean Basin. Yet, how climatic factors might affect the range expansion of these weeds in the context of global environmental change remains unexplored. We examined satellite‐based environmental variables such as surface temperature, root zone soil moisture, and elevation, in relation to parasitic weed distribution and environmental conditions over time, in combination with observational data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Our analysis reveals contrasting environmental and altitude preferences in the genera Striga and Orobanche. Asiatic witchweed (Striga asiatica), which infests corn, rice, sorghum, and sugar cane crops, appears to be expanding its range in high elevation habitats. It also shows a significant association with heat‐moisture coupling events, the frequency of which is rising in such environments. These results point to geographical shifts in distribution and abundance in parasitic weeds due to climate change.