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Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado Sicoderus perezi Anderson 2018 D. S. Sikes & R. P. Rosenfeld 1993-07-08 Curculionidae paratype MATERIAL_CITATION
coletado Prototyrtaeus duartei Spiessberger & Ivie, 2020 Michael A. Ivie | Derek S. Sikes Michael A. Ivie | E.L. Spiessberger 1992-04-07 2019 Tenebrionidae INHS INHS Insect Collection 837779 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Leptostylopsis basifulvus Lingafelter & Micheli 2009 M. A. Ivie & D. Sikes & W. Lanier 1993-04-14 Cerambycidae paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Loxostethus erythroscelis M. Ivie, D. Sikes & W. Lanier 1992-04-09 Tenebrionidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Loxostethus oblongus M. Ivie, D. Sikes & W. Lanier 1992-04-09 Tenebrionidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Canthonella sikesi M. Ivie, D. Sikes & W. Lanier 1992-04-16/1992-07-01 Scarabaeidae USNM holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Apodrosus artus Giron & Franz 2010 M. A. Ivie & D. S. Sikes & W. Lanier 1992-04-11 Curculionidae holotype MATERIAL_CITATION
coletado Anolis shrevei Sikes,D S; Rosenfeld,R P 1993-07-25 Dactyloidae MPM 26373 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Boykinia rotundifolia Parry Sikes, D. S. 1991-08-21 Saxifragaceae UConn CONN00161022 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Sicoderus truncatipennis Vanin La Florida & M. A. Ivie & D. S. Sikes & W. Lanier 1993-04-14 Curculionidae MATERIAL_CITATION
coletado identificado pseudomyrmex cubaensis Brodzinsky, J.; Sikes, D. S. Ward, P. S. 1992-08-23 2017-11-30 Formicidae CAS casent0841556 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado pseudomyrmex cubaensis Brodzinsky, J.; Sikes, D. S. Ward, P. S. 1992-08-23 2017-11-30 Formicidae CAS casent0841555 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Odonteus obesus D. Sikes Michael Caterino 1991-04-07 Geotrupidae SBMNH SBMNHENT0044452 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Calosoma semilaeve D. Sikes Michael Caterino 1991-06-02 2006 Carabidae SBMNH SBMNHENT0045740 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Trichocnemis spiculatus D. Sikes Michael Caterino 1991-07-06 2005 Cerambycidae SBMNH SBMNHENT0042016 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus haitianus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26213 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26210 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26205 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26211 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus haitianus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26212 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26206 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eleutherodactylus montanus Ivie,M A; Sikes,D S; Lanier,W 1992-04-07 Eleutherodactylidae MPM 26204 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Canthonella sikesi M. Ivie, D. Sikes & Lanier 1992-04-16/1992-07-01 Scarabaeidae USNM PRESERVED_SPECIMEN