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Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado Selaginella muelleri Armit, W.E. 1884-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 Selaginellaceae K K000889100 unknown type material PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Dawsonia de Armit, W.E. M Geheeb, A. 1894 Polytrichaceae MEL MEL 1039363A type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bossiaea armitii de Armit, W.E. M Fabaceae MEL MEL 0651100A type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bossiaea armitii de Armit, W.E. M Fabaceae MEL MEL 0651101A type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bossiaea armitii de Armit, W.E. M Fabaceae MEL MEL 0651099A type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Seringia adenolasia de Armit, W.E. M Malvaceae MEL MEL 0236391A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Seringia adenolasia de Armit, W.E. M Malvaceae MEL MEL 0236393A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Dawsonia de Armit, W.E. M Burges, A. 1894-06 1946-05-22 Polytrichaceae MEL MEL 1039362A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Saurauia de Armit, W.E. M National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) 1883 Actinidiaceae MEL MEL 2384019A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Wendlandia de Armit, W.E. M Mueller, F. Rubiaceae MEL MEL 0074631A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Wendlandia de Armit, W.E. M Mueller, F. Rubiaceae MEL MEL 0074633A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Wendlandia de Armit, W.E. M Mueller, F. Rubiaceae MEL MEL 0074632A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Chloris pectinata de Armit, W.E. M Lazarides, M. 1875-03-20 1969-06-18 Poaceae MEL MEL 0247830A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Seringia adenolasia de Armit, W.E. M Malvaceae MEL MEL 0236392A syntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Urena armitiana var. armitiana de Armit, W.E. M Craven, L.A. Malvaceae MEL MEL 1552925A lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Goodenia armitiana de Armit, W.E. M Carolin, R.C. 1970-10-20 Goodeniaceae MEL MEL 0023695A lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pseuderanthemum armitii S.Moore W E. Armit Robyn Mary Barker 1896 Acanthaceae NHMUK BM000950110 lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pecteilis ochroleuca de Armit, W.E. M National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) 1875 2015-09-08 Orchidaceae MEL MEL 0108303A lectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hypnodendron diversifolium W. E. Armit Spiridentaceae S B124169 isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Utricularia tubulata de Armit, W.E. M Taylor, P. 1876 1980-04 Lentibulariaceae MEL MEL 1513563A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Rhododendron de Armit, W.E. M Sleumer, H. 1894 1956-09 Ericaceae MEL MEL 2386458A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Poa de Armit, W.E. M Veldkamp, J.F. 1894 2011-07 Poaceae MEL MEL 0009369A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Saguaster de Armit, W.E. M Baker, W.J. 1894 2001-11-27 Arecaceae MEL MEL 2066184A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Rhododendron de Armit, W.E. M Sleumer, H. 1894 1956-09 Ericaceae MEL MEL 2088228A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Rhododendron de Armit, W.E. M Sleumer, H. 1895 1956-09 Ericaceae MEL MEL 0294761A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Acacia armitii de Armit, W.E. M Fabaceae MEL MEL 2077179A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Poa de Armit, W.E. M Veldkamp, J.F. 1894-06 2011-07 Poaceae MEL MEL 0009371A isotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aphyllodium biarticulatum de Armit, W.E. M Pedley, L. 1992-06-05 Fabaceae MEL MEL 0115405A isosyntype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stylidium trichopodum de Armit, W.E. M Wege, J.A. 2019-11-13 Stylidiaceae MEL MEL 2260465A isolectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eriachne armitii de Armit, W.E. M 1876 Poaceae MEL MEL 0095273A isolectotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN