Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
identificado Agrotis messoria Harrison 1841 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Harrison 1841-12-31 Noctuidae MCZ 31256 lectotype of agrotis messoria PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Homorthodes communis (Dyar, 1904) Harrison G. Dyar Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2020-09-21 Noctuidae MCZ 23732 syntype of graphiphora communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Solanum asperum Rich. [Harrison] Solanaceae MeiseBG BR0000013233907 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Macaria simplex (Dyar, 1907) [no agent data] Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2020-09-21 Geometridae MCZ 16838 paratype of pygmaena simplex PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Eupithecia niphadophilata (Dyar, 1904) [no agent data] Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2020-09-17 Geometridae MCZ 16819 paratype of tephroclystis niphadophilata PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Phalangomyia debilis Dyar & Knab, 1914 [Collector has not been verified and entered] Harrison G. Dyar 1913-06-01/1913-07-31 1914 Culicidae MCZ 23330 paratype of phalangomyia debilis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Lamprosema victoriae Dyar, 1923 J. D. Mitchell Harrison G. Dyar 1912-08-19 1923 Crambidae MCZ 25302 paratype of lamprosema victoriae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Agriphila plumbifimbriellus (Dyar, 1904) [no agent data] Rachel L. Hawkins Sipe 2020-09-17 Crambidae MCZ 25319 paratype of crambus plumbifimbriellus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Mansonia indubitans Dyar & Shannon, 1925 [no agent data] Harrison G. Dyar, Raymond C. Shannon 1924-09-01 1925 Culicidae MCZ 27686 paratype of mansonia indubitans PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Anopheles celidopus Dyar & Shannon, 1925 [no agent data] Harrison G. Dyar, Raymond C. Shannon 1924-09-01 1925 Culicidae MCZ 27687 paratype of anopheles celidopus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Hydrocampa gyralis [Not Stated] Dyar Crambidae USNM type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Harrisina americana A. Raske ASUHIC 1963-08-28 No record Zygaenidae ASU ASUHIC0056252 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Scopula limboundata Aknown Dyar Geometridae CSU CSU_ENT1059177 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Chelon labrosus (risso, 1826) baillon harrison Mugilidae MNHN A-3775 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus flavidus Caudell & Dyar Frison, T. H. 1906-08-17 Apidae USNM USNMENT01007877 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Melanoplus mexicanus Caudell & Dyar unknown 1901-08-17 Acrididae KU 764377 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hesperotettix viridis viridis Caudell & Dyar unknown 1901-07-27 Acrididae KU 771447 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Melanoplus mexicanus Caudell & Dyar unknown 1901-08-18 Acrididae KU 764385 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Melanoplus mexicanus Caudell & Dyar unknown 1901-08-18 Acrididae KU 764383 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aeoloplides turnbulli bruneri Caudell & Dyar Wallace, H 1901-08-01 1948 Acrididae KU 770862 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aeoloplides turnbulli turnbulli Caudell & Dyar Wallace, H 1901-08-01 1943 Acrididae KU 770858 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aeoloplides turnbulli turnbulli Caudell & Dyar Wallace, H 1901-08-06 1948 Acrididae KU 770857 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Melanoplus gladstoni Caudell & Dyar 1901-08-20 Acrididae KU 773781 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Melanoplus gladstoni Caudell & Dyar 1901-08-21 Acrididae KU 773784 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Harrisina americana [Collector unknown] ASUHIC 1929-09-20 No record Zygaenidae ASU ASUHIC0056250 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
identificado Trichoplusia ni [Collector unknown]; M. Martinez Harrison Gray Dyar 1920-08-16 No record Noctuidae ASU ASUHIC0096705 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cupido amyntula Collector(s): H. G. Dyar Zdenek Fric 1919-07-01 2015 Lycaenidae KWP KWP:Ento:36513 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cupido amyntula Collector(s): H. G. Dyar Zdenek Fric 1919-07-01 2015 Lycaenidae KWP KWP:Ento:36512 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Callosamia angulifera Dyar C. L. Smith 1904-06-15 Saturniidae GMNH GMNH_UGCA 00006403 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus (Fervidobombus) californicus Dyar Frison, T. H. 1916-04-06 Apidae USNM USNMENT01005732 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN