Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado identificado Thamnolia vermicularis Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Icmadophilaceae COLO COLO-L-0043586 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Stereocaulon tomentosum Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0043047 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Parmelia sulcata Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0029784 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Cladonia Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0013794 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Cladonia Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0013806 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Cladonia gracilis Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0011778 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado identificado Flavocetraria cucullata Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0007948 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Umbilicaria exasperata Beatrice Willard unknown 1959-09-04 not given Umbilicariaceae COLO COLO-L-0045049 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Umbilicaria neoproboscidea Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Umbilicariaceae COLO COLO-L-0045481 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stereocaulon Beatrice Willard B. Willard 1962-08-16 1962 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0043056 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stereocaulon tomentosum Beatrice Willard B. Willard 1962-09-23 1962 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0042852 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Scytinium gelatinosum Beatrice Willard updated from Esslinger, T.L. Checklist of N.A. Lichens (v. 19) 1961-02-15 2014 Collemataceae COLO COLO-L-0024714 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hypogymnia physodes Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0019357 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Flavocetraria nivalis Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0016843 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cladonia rangiferina Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1959-09-04 May 16, 2018 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0009397 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cladonia stellaris Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1959-09-04 May 16, 2018 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0009447 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cetrariella delisei Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 2012 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0008947 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cetraria laevigata Beatrice Willard Ingvar Karnefelt 1959-09-04 1976 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0008281 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Circinaria caesiocinerea Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1958-10-10 June 19, 2018 Megasporaceae COLO COLO-L-0002458 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aspicilia Beatrice Willard unknown 1958-10-10 unknown Megasporaceae COLO COLO-L-0003044 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stegonia latifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-07-13 Pottiaceae COLO COLO-B-0056780 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stegonia latifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-08-06 Pottiaceae COLO COLO-B-0056792 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Sphagnum russowii John Douglas; Margaret Douglas, Beatrice Willard H. Crum 1957-07-15 Sphagnaceae COLO COLO-B-0055658 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Ptychostomum cryophilum Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-07-11 2004 Bryaceae COLO COLO-B-0047177 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pohlia obtusifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-08-29 Mniaceae COLO COLO-B-0043654 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Philonotis americana Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-15 2008-00-00 Bartramiaceae COLO COLO-B-0038837 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-16 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034786 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-22 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034799 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-22 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034847 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Meesia uliginosa Beatrice Willard 1962-08-27 Meesiaceae COLO COLO-B-0032940 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN