Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado Achatina panthera (Ferussac, 1832) Frederick Roelker Wulsin [no agent data] 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Achatinidae MCZ 31077 voucher of achatina panthera berevoensis| paralectotype of achatina panthera berevoensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Achatina panthera (Ferussac, 1832) Frederick Roelker Wulsin [no agent data] 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Achatinidae MCZ 31079 voucher of achatina panthera berevoensis| paralectotype of achatina panthera berevoensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Achatina panthera (Ferussac, 1832) Frederick Roelker Wulsin [no agent data] 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Achatinidae MCZ 31078 voucher of achatina panthera berevoensis| lectotype of achatina panthera berevoensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Turdus merula mandarinus F. Wulsin 1924-09-10 Turdidae USNM USNM 305466 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Trachypithecus ebenus F. Wulsin 1924 Cercopithecidae USNM USNM 240489 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Glaucidium cuculoides delacouri F. Wulsin 1924-05-05 Strigidae USNM USNM 304182 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Ochotona argentata F. Wulsin 1923-05-16 Ochotonidae USNM USNM 240726 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Tamias sibiricus umbrosus F. Wulsin 1923-08-21 Sciuridae USNM USNM 240744 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pseudois nayaur F. Wulsin 1923-09-14 Bovidae USNM USNM 240683 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Ursus thibetanus ussuricus F. Wulsin 1923-10-15 Ursidae USNM USNM 240668 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Euchoreutes naso F. Wulsin 1923-04-26 Dipodidae USNM USNM 240764 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Ochotona erythrotis F. Wulsin 1923-08-12 Ochotonidae USNM USNM 240723 type PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Phelsuma barbouri Frederick Roelker Wulsin Arthur Loveridge 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Gekkonidae MCZ R-11641 paratype of phelsuma barbouri PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Eryx colubrinus loveridgei Frederick Roelker Wulsin Olive Griffith Stull 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Boidae MCZ R-11486 paratype of eryx thebaicus loveridgei PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Mops condylurus leucostigma (G. M. Allen, 1918) Frederick Roelker Wulsin [no agent data] 1915-12-01/1915-12-31 Molossidae MCZ 16345 paratype of chaerephon leucostigma PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bufo minshanicus Stejneger, 1926 Janet E. Wulsin, Frederick Roelker Wulsin Leonhard Hess Stejneger 1899-07-08/1944-03-01 Bufonidae MCZ A-25689 paratype of bufo minshanicus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Tarentola americana Wulsin, F. 1916-05-00 Phyllodactylidae UF 21936 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Crocodylus robustus Vaillant & Grandidier, 1872 Frederick Roelker Wulsin George R. Agassiz, Thomas Barbour, Outram Bangs, Glover M. Allen 1918 Crocodylidae MCZ VPRA-1006 neotype of crocodylus robustus| voucher of crocodylus robustus| figured of crocodylus robustus| figured of crocodylus robustus FOSSIL_SPECIMEN
coletado Velocimyia velox Hull, 1937 Frederick Roelker Wulsin Frank Montgomery Hull 1937-12-31 Syrphidae MCZ 22366 holotype of velocimyia velox PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Vanga curvirostris cetera Frederick Roelker Wulsin Outram Bangs 1915-08-01/1915-08-31 1928 Vangidae MCZ 78133 holotype of vanga curvirostris cetera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Madascincus melanopleura (Günther, 1877) Frederick Roelker Wulsin José Rosado 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 2018-02-06 Scincidae MCZ R-11869 holotype of sepsina vulsini PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Scolebythus madecassus Evans 1963 Frederick Roelker Wulsin Evans 1963 Scolebythidae MCZ 30494 holotype of scolebythus madecassus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Amphiglossus astrolabi Frederick Roelker Wulsin Dumeril, Gabriel Bibron 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Scincidae MCZ R-11870 holotype of scelotes brunneus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Auplopus quadrimacula (Banks 1941) Frederick Roelker Wulsin Banks 2012 Pompilidae MCZ 25513 holotype of pseudogenia quadrimacula PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Phelsuma barbouri Frederick Roelker Wulsin Arthur Loveridge 1915-01-01/1915-12-31 Gekkonidae MCZ R-11640 holotype of phelsuma barbouri PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Phalacrocorax africanus pictilis Bangs, 1918 Frederick Roelker Wulsin George R. Agassiz, Thomas Barbour, Outram Bangs, Glover M. Allen 1915-06-26 1918 Phalacrocoracidae MCZ 77555 holotype of phalacrocorax africanus pictilis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Oena capensis aliena Bangs, 1918 Frederick Roelker Wulsin George R. Agassiz, Thomas Barbour, Outram Bangs, Glover M. Allen 1915-08-03 1918 Columbidae MCZ 77895 holotype of oena capensis aliena PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaorientalis (Pilleri and Gihr, 1972) Frederick Roelker Wulsin [no agent data] 1922-04-07 Phocoenidae MCZ 19998 holotype of neomeris asiaorientalis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Cicadetta pieli (Kato) Frederick Roelker Wulsin Liu 1940-12-31 Cicadidae MCZ 33522 holotype of melampsalta wulsini PRESERVED_SPECIMEN