Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado Wahlenbergia grandiflora Brehmer Ernest Edward Galpin Campanulaceae Z Z-000076349 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Sutera luteiflora Hiern Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-11-01 00:00:00 Scrophulariaceae Z Z-000028991 type of jamesbrittenia micrantha (klotzsch) hilliard PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Lonchocarpus speciosus Bolus Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-01-01 00:00:00 Fabaceae Z Z-000022585 type of bolusanthus speciosus (bolus) harms PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Sutera luteiflora Hiern Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-09-01 00:00:00 Scrophulariaceae Z Z-000028990 type of jamesbrittenia micrantha (klotzsch) hilliard PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Scilla diphylla Baker Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-11-01 00:00:00 Asparagaceae Z Z-000027537 type of ledebouria sandersonii (baker) s.venter & t.j.edwards PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Scilla galpinii Baker Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-11-01 00:00:00 Asparagaceae Z Z-000027538 type of ledebouria galpinii (baker) s.venter & t.j.edwards PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pavonia galpiniana Schinz Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-01-01 00:00:00 Malvaceae Z Z-000006838 type of pavonia columella cav. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Combretum suluense Engl. & Diels Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-12-24 00:00:00 Combretaceae Z Z-000002932 type of combretum collinum fresen. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Lotononis aristata Schinz Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-05-01 00:00:00 Fabaceae Z Z-000023635 type of pearsonia aristata (schinz) dümmer PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Gomphocarpus aureus Schltr. Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-09-01 00:00:00 Apocynaceae Z Z-000001643 type of asclepias aurea (schltr.) schltr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Helichrysum agrostophilum Klatt Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-11-01 00:00:00 Asteraceae Z Z-000003479 type of helichrysum pallidum dc. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Dalechampia galpinii Pax Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-11-01 00:00:00 Euphorbiaceae Z Z-000017032 type of dalechampia galpinii pax PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Lidbeckia integrifolia Klatt Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-11-01 00:00:00 Asteraceae Z Z-000003625 type of inezia integrifolia (klatt) e.phillips PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hemizygia galpiniana Briq. Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-01-01 00:00:00 Lamiaceae Z Z-000018791 type of syncolostemon teucriifolius (hochst.) d.f.otieno PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Brownleea galpinii Bolus Ernest Edward Galpin 1891-03-01 00:00:00 Orchidaceae Z Z-000016309 type of brownleea galpinii bolus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Combretum galpinii Engl. & Diels Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-01-01 00:00:00 Combretaceae Z Z-000002878 type of combretum molle ex g.don PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Dicoma zeyheri var. thyrsiflora Klatt Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-04-12 00:00:00 Asteraceae Z Z-000003296 type of macledium zeyheri subsp. thyrsiflorum (klatt) netnou PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Gomphocarpus adscendens Schltr. Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-10-01 00:00:00 Apocynaceae Z Z-000001639 type of asclepias adscendens (schltr.) schltr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Senecio trifurcatus (G.Forst.) Less. Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-04-30 00:00:00 Asteraceae Z Z-000003994 type of senecio triodontiphyllus c.jeffrey PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Tricalysia galpinii Schinz Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-09-01 00:00:00 Rubiaceae Z Z-000023256 type of tricalysia capensis var. galpinii (schinz) robbr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Tricalysia galpinii Schinz Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-09-01 00:00:00 Rubiaceae Z Z-000023255 type of tricalysia capensis var. galpinii (schinz) robbr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Aster xylophyllus Klatt Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-09-01 00:00:00 Asteraceae Z Z-000003062 type of aster harveyanus kuntze PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Pearsonia podalyriifolia Dümmer Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-07-24 00:00:00 Fabaceae Z Z-000023641 type of pearsonia sessilifolia subsp. marginata (schinz) polhill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Convolvulus sagittatus Thunb. subvar. linearifolia Hallier f. Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-01-01 00:00:00 Convolvulaceae Z Z-000004168 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Euphorbia galpinii Pax Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-11-01 00:00:00 Euphorbiaceae Z Z-000017080 type of euphorbia transvaalensis schltr. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Leonotis galpini Skan Ernest Edward Galpin 1894-06-10 00:00:00 Z Z-000018835 type of leonotis ocymifolia var. raineriana (vis.) iwarsson PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Stachys galpinii Briq. Ernest Edward Galpin 1889-11-01 00:00:00 Lamiaceae Z Z-000021132 type of stachys natalensis var. galpinii (briq.) codd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Tinnea galpinii Briq. Ernest Edward Galpin 1891-01-01 00:00:00 Lamiaceae Z Z-000021208 type of tinnea galpinii briq. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Leonotis bachmannii Gürke Ernest Edward Galpin 1890-04-19 00:00:00 Lamiaceae Z Z-000018840 type of leonotis ocymifolia var. raineriana (vis.) iwarsson PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Anthericum patulum Baker Ernest Edward Galpin 1891-01-01 00:00:00 Asparagaceae Z Z-000023900 type of chlorophytum galpinii var. matabelense (baker) kativu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN