Nome científico Coletado Por Identificado Por Data da coleta Data de identificação Família Instituição Número de catálogo Status do tipo Basis Of Record
coletado Neoathyreus granulicollis Dreisbach, R. ; Dreisbach, K. 1961-07-09 Geotrupidae CMN CMNEN 00010416 paratype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hadromeropsis amoenus Dreisbach, R. ; Dreisbach, K. 1961-10-09 Curculionidae CMN CMNEN 00012225 holotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Hadromeropsis amoenus Dreisbach, R. ; Dreisbach, K. 1961-10-09 Curculionidae CMN CMNEN 00012226 allotype PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis persicana R and K Dreisbach 1960-06-25 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84294 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis persicana R and K Dreisbach 1960-06-20 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84287 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis persicana R and K Dreisbach 1957-06-16 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84321 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis virescana R and K Dreisbach M. Sabourin 1959-06-04 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84332 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis virescana R and K Dreisbach M. Sabourin 1960-06-07 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84331 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis persicana R and K Dreisbach 1960-06-24 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84289 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis virescana R and K Dreisbach M. Sabourin 1959-06-04 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84336 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis virescana R and K Dreisbach M. Sabourin 1959-06-04 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84333 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Clepsis virescana R and K Dreisbach M. Sabourin 1959-06-04 Tortricidae MSU MSUC_ARC_84335 voucher PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Alabagrus roibasi R. R.; K. Dreisbach M. J. Sharkey 1956-08-22 Braconidae NMNH-SI NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Grotea lokii R. R.; K. Dreisbach H. K. Townes 1961-07-29 Ichneumonidae AEI NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Alabagrus ixtilton R. R.; K. Dreisbach M. J. Sharkey 1956-07-12 Braconidae NMNH-SI NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Alabagrus nio R. R.; K. Dreisbach M. J. Sharkey 1964-08-04 Braconidae BRC NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Alabagrus maya R. R.; K. Dreisbach M. J. Sharkey 1961-09-08 Braconidae BRC NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Alabagrus maya R. R.; K. Dreisbach M. J. Sharkey 1961-09-21 Braconidae BRC NO DISPONIBLE paratipo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Vibrissina albopicta R. & K. Dreisbach 1956-VIII-22 Tachinidae CNC other material OCCURRENCE
coletado Bombus borealis D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach R.W. Husband 1958-06-22 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013887 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus citrinus D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach 1959-06-06 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013934 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus fervidus D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach R.W. Husband 1959-05-18 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0014180 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus ashtoni D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach 1960-05-31 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013534 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus fervidus D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach Milliron 1960-05-21 1962 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0014113 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus ashtoni D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach 1959-08-29 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013541 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus borealis D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach R.W. Husband 1960-06-11 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013866 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus ternarius D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach 1959-06-06 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0070132 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus borealis D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach Milliron 1959-06-22 1962 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013898 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus ashtoni D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach Milliron 1959-08-20 1962 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013579 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
coletado Bombus ashtoni D. Cuthrell; R. & K. Dreisbach 1959-08-11 Apidae MSU MSU_ARC_0013592 none PRESERVED_SPECIMEN